Heathen Planet Community

Heathen Planet Community
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Building A Heathen Planet Community

I’m interested in building a community with folks who are looking for something more.

In yesterday’s post I wrote about picking up the Heathen Planet project again. Today I want to discuss how this site and it’s social media will look and interact moving forward. There is a lot of mindless, useless, hateful misinformation, and garbage on the net. If you’re looking for refuge, read on. Thanks!!

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If you are experiencing a crisis, please contact 988. If you just need to talk, message me.

What Does a Heathen Planet Community Look Like?

Let me introduce myself first.

I just turned 50 this year. I’m Buddhist, I’ve practiced and studied some form of paganism or “alternate” spirituality for more than half of my life. I love to learn and seek knowledge. I enjoy nature, the outdoors, energy work, and kitchen witchery.

My day job is selling rocks and minerals at Willett Creek Agate, and I offer web hosting, design, and content marketing for small business at Homestead Digital Media Services. I’m working on some new eCommerce projects as well.

I’m a spoonie warrior, afflicted with Ankylosing Spondylitis, an autoimmune disregulation that causes arthritis in the spine and joints. Read more about my AS story here. I struggle with my mental health at times, and focus on that very much.

I’m politically active to a point, in that I use some of my platforms to advocate for sensible policies that help the people more and the corporate oligarchs less. I am neither Democrat or Republican. I register independent, and align mostly with democratic socialism.

After another tumultuous year decade, the Universe has seen fit to kick my ass again. So I will be uprooting soon, and quite likely will live in my bus as an off grid heathen nomad blogging about my journeys and adventures. That’s not definite, so stay tuned.

Building a Community

Over the last few years folks have been battered. COVID, extreme weather events, dangerous divisive politics, hate, war, and more dominate the airwaves and the internet. The AI revolution is upon us and frankly scary as hell if you think about it to much. And misinformation is rampant.

I am in a number of amazing online communities, and I envision this project in such a light. My Asatru Kindred is Sessrumnir, which translates as “Many seats, many voices” and is the name of Freya’s hall in Asgard.

Anyone* is welcome, that is seeking to connect with similar open minded folks. I care not what your religion is, where you were born, or who you love. If you seek refuge, be among a community that is diverse and supportive. Kindred that share wisdom, experience, life observations, and memes and more. Learn, support, get support, network, and have a bit of fun.

*If your politics are divisive or hateful, if your an AI fraudster, scammer, spammer, evil bot, you’ll get the hammer!!

No One is My Enemy, Every One is My Teacher

Everyone in our world is a teacher, with some lesson to impart. It might be a recipe, or a kind word. It might be a listening ear, or a bright. energy Often the hardest lessons come from those we perceive as enemies. If we want a better world, we have to be that change for our kids and grand kids. I’ve had my hard lessons, and dished out a few in 50 years, but I try each day to be a better human. If this speaks to you, please follow on Facebook, and share the love! You can find the Heathen Planet FB Group here.

You can support my content by getting merch on the shop.


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